The Best Money I've Ever Spent
1. Joe
He didn't cost much when I adopted him from the Sangamon County pound, but he almost immediately came down with distemper and the treatment cost around $1000. As a college student/waitress, that was a huge amount of money and a very big decision for a dog I 'd only had for two or three weeks. The money spent was well worth it, as Joe was my best friend for the next 12 years. Here he is a few months before the end, looking quite gray in the muzzle. He was my perfect dog. I miss him every day.
2. These awesome braided leather leashes.
I bought them at Chow Hound in Grand Rapids, Michigan for Joe and Henry in 1993. I don't remember how much I paid, but I'm sure it was extravagant compared to my meager income. 15 years later, the leashes are still holding strong for Frankie and Georgie.
He didn't cost much when I adopted him from the Sangamon County pound, but he almost immediately came down with distemper and the treatment cost around $1000. As a college student/waitress, that was a huge amount of money and a very big decision for a dog I 'd only had for two or three weeks. The money spent was well worth it, as Joe was my best friend for the next 12 years. Here he is a few months before the end, looking quite gray in the muzzle. He was my perfect dog. I miss him every day.

I bought them at Chow Hound in Grand Rapids, Michigan for Joe and Henry in 1993. I don't remember how much I paid, but I'm sure it was extravagant compared to my meager income. 15 years later, the leashes are still holding strong for Frankie and Georgie.
Way expensive. Way worth it. Definitely heavenly. Frankie, Al and the foster min pin, Dodge enjoy it, too.
Every minute of this vacation was a blast. If you enjoy outdoor activities and you haven't yet been, I strongly suggest you book your trip right now.

No mention of the cat?
i would have sworn you would have had a mocha jim hjelm bridesmaid dress on the list. huh.
Good points, ladies.
First - the cat was free. He was found in the alley behind my house. I could put him on "the best things in life are free" list.
As for the bridesmaid dress, well, I did get to wear it twice but I think I'll need to wear it about 10 more times before it joins this list. Anyone for a formal party? Every weekend for the next 2 1/2 months?
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