Angela, a friend of mine from co-ed book club, wanted to go dancing for her birthday and since she's not part of my swing crowd, I knew she meant club dancing. And while the term "Slut Night" meant nothing to any of the people going (other than Pat) I figured I should do my swing friends proud by maintaining the tradition and dressing appropriately. I haven't been club dancing for years so I had to go buy new clothes to look appropriate. The goal was to look like the average 22-year-old club ho. How did I do?
The book club:
The boys with the ubiquitous crotch-point. This was David's first cute.
Laura slutted it up with me - knee boots and fishnets.
Robyn and her husband Joe joined us since we were in their 'hood.
We even got Pat on the floor for one or two songs. Well, Laura did, anyway.
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