Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I like to be busy. I like a full schedule. Good thing - since all of my weekends through April 24th are already booked!

Let's start with February... It seems like all of the urban adventure race planners chose February for their Phoenix races. Christy and I will be competing in them all. (Duh.) The one weekend in February that has no scheduled race happens to be an agility trial weekend. I couldn't have planned it better myself!

If you are in Arizona and you haven't tried an urban adventure race yet, you should do one (or all) of these February races! You don't have to be a good runner, you don't even have to be smart. All you need is a smart friend (which is why the most important members of the Jill/Christy team are actually Kiri and NFBF!!) and the willingness to have some fun. I have included the links to the Phoenix races for you. Find a partner, find a smart friend and DO IT!

The February Schedule:
Saturday, February 6th is the Scavenger Dash: http://www.scavengerdash.com/phx.html

Saturday, February 13th is the Great Urban Race: http://www.greaturbanrace.com/register10_phoenix.php

No race scheduled for Saturday, February 20th. I'll be taking Frankie to the DOCNA agility trial. Go, go, go, my little crackhead!
Sunday, February 21 is the PetSmart Charities PetWalk. I'll be walking for the Arizona Humane Society. If you want to donate, you can do so here.

Saturday, February 27th is the CitySolve Urban Race: http://www.citysolveurbanrace.com/2010/phoenix-urban-adventure-race.html. We'd better race this one fast. At 5:00 pm, we have to be dressed up and looking pretty at a wedding in Scottsdale!

The March Schedule:
Saturday, March 6 - Book Club Reunion Slumber Party!! YAY!!
Saturday, March 13 - DOCNA Agility Trial
Saturday, March 20 - Melillo March Madness Annual Birthday Party
Saturday, March 27 - Desert Rage Camp Verde Adventure Race (this is also the date of the Urban Dare, www.urbandare.com, but I've chosen to do the adventure race instead. Irene and I are going to try a fifth variety of boat to see if maybe the double plastic kayak will be the magic solution to my water-travel suckiness.)

The April Schedule:
Saturday, April 3 - DOCNA Agility Trial
Saturday, April 10 -Rafting Trip
Saturday, April 17 - DOCNA Agility Trial
Saturday, April 24 - um...nothing. Yet. Anyone want to fill this for me? :)


Anonymous said...

Kiri and NFBF Rock the adventure race research! Wooohooo!
I do not see any Coyote Games in this calendar of busy.
They are 4-4-2 in the last 10. Are you bailing on the Yotes? You know they need your suport. And by support I mean your money.

Emily said...

I do not have anything for Aprl 24th, but May 1st is a Mad Mud Run... :)